What is BIS Certification Process, Types and Validity

BIS certification, issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) in India, holds significant importance in assuring the quality, reliability, and safety of products to customers. BIS is actively involved in various activities such as product certification, formulation of standards, testing, hallmarking, and calibration schemes.

Under the BIS certification framework

Under the BIS certification framework, there are different categories of products that require compulsory certification (Scheme-I). In total, there are 380 products that fall under this category. Additionally, there is a list of 738 products for which manufacturers can obtain voluntary BIS certification through a simplified procedure. Certain electronics and information technology goods also require BIS registration under the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS). This scheme encompasses a list of 77 products that must undergo compulsory registration.

There are different types of BIS registration schemes available:

  • ISI Mark Scheme Registration for Domestic Manufacturers: Manufacturers of products falling under compulsory BIS certification (Scheme-I) need to register through the normal procedure. However, some products within this category are also eligible for simplified registration.

  • ECO Mark Scheme Registration: BIS provides certification for environmentally friendly products under the ECO mark scheme. Products conforming to basic requirements under Indian Standards are categorized and certified accordingly.

  • Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme (FMCS): Foreign manufacturers or overseas applicants can obtain BIS certification for products falling under the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS) and compulsory BIS certification scheme (Scheme-I). The BIS grants a specially designed ISI mark for these applicants within six months.

BIS registration procedure

The BIS registration procedure involves both the licensing process and surveillance process. In the licensing process, manufacturers submit their BIS registration applications, and a BIS officer conducts a preliminary inspection at the factory. Following the inspection, product samples are tested, and the BIS officer determines the final result. Afterward, the surveillance process begins, wherein the inspecting authority visits the factory to verify the test results, sends samples to independent labs, and prepares a performance review report. Once the report is reviewed, the BIS license is granted.


  1. Induce India is BIS Registration Process consultation that will help businesses to get BIS certification very easily. They have expertise in their services.


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