
Showing posts from July, 2023

What is EPR registration process and benefits ?

  Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) has emerged as a crucial approach for sustainable waste management. EPR authorization provides a framework that optimizes the waste supply chain, improves waste management modalities, and offers various other benefits. In this blog, we will explore the   EPR registration   process and the significant advantages it brings. EPR Registration Process The process of obtaining EPR authorization typically involves the following steps: Step 1:  Application with Required Enclosures The first step is to submit an application to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) or the relevant regulatory authority. The application should include all necessary enclosures, such as company details, product information, proposed waste management plans, financial provisions, and any other documents required by the regulatory body. Step 2:  Review of Application by CPCB The CPCB thoroughly reviews the submitted application, assessing its complet...

What does ISI Mark mean and ISI mark used

  The full form of ISI is actually the Indian Standards Institution, not the Indian Standards Institute. The ISI was established with the objective of setting standards to ensure the systematic development of industries and maintain efficiency in industrial output. It introduced the ISI mark, which serves as a compliance mark for industrial products in India, indicating that they meet the relevant standards. History of ISI Mark The history of ISI dates back to its foundation on January 6, 1947. In June 1947, Dr. Lal C. Verman became the first Director of ISI. Over time, ISI evolved and eventually became known as the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). BIS is responsible for establishing quality standards for consumer goods and industrial products. It verifies the quality and standards of each product, providing them with certification marks. Since the legislation of 1986, BIS has been authorized to provide certification. The ISI label is mandatory for the sale of certain products in ...
  What is BIS Certification Process, Types and Validity BIS certification, issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) in India, holds significant importance in assuring the quality, reliability, and safety of products to customers. BIS is actively involved in various activities such as product certification, formulation of standards, testing, hallmarking, and calibration schemes. Under the BIS certification framework Under the  BIS certification  framework, there are different categories of products that require compulsory certification (Scheme-I). In total, there are 380 products that fall under this category. Additionally, there is a list of 738 products for which manufacturers can obtain voluntary BIS certification through a simplified procedure. Certain electronics and information technology goods also require BIS registration under the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS). This scheme encompasses a list of 77 products that must undergo compulsory registration. Th...