Foreign Manufacturer's Certification Scheme (FMCS) and Products Under FMCS

Introduction India's economy has been rapidly developing and competing with some of the world's largest economies. Globalization has played a significant role in facilitating trade, including manufacturing, services, and the exchange of products across borders. As a result, many foreign companies have established manufacturing industries in India, contributing to its economic growth and expanding its market base. Products Under FMCS The FMCS covers a wide range of products for which an Indian Standard exists and is amenable to certification, except for Electronics IT Products notified under the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS) of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). A List Of Product Categories Under The CRS: Amplifiers with input power 2000W and above Automatic data processing machine Electronic clocks with mains power Electronic games (video) Electronic musical systems with input power 200W and above Laptop/notebook/tablet Microwave ovens Optical disc players with buil...